Tag: tui shou; sensory cortex;motor cortex; spinal cord
Tai Chi Push Hands Deliver Power By Shifting Weight 1/3
Tai Chi Push Hands Deliver Power By Shifting Weight, Part 1 This is Water Tai Chi Push Hands Basic Training demo. Shifting weight, lifting heel, part 1 by Master Byron Zhang. Pay attention to the instructions of the master. View the students’ mistakes and practice the move afterward. You may upload your own practice video…
Tai Chi Push Hands & Brain Physiology, Part 2
Tai Chi (Tai Ji) Push Hands (Tuishou) & Physiology of the Brain, part 2 This is the brain physiology, still very basic. After watching the video, answer the following 3 questions: 1. what is the difference between your brain and your master’s brain? 2. when your master teaches you, what happens in your brain? 3.…
Tai Chi Push Hands & Brain Physiology, Basic
Tai Chi (Tai Ji) Push Hands & Physiology of the Brain, Basic This is the brain physiology. Very basic one. After watching the video, answer the following 3 questions: 1. What happens when someone pushes you. 2. What happens when you push someone. 3. how many hours does it take to MASTER Tai Chi push…