Tag: tai chi
Taiji Push Hands: How To Tune Your Joints By Dropping
Taiji Push Hands: How To Tune Your Joints By Dropping How do you practice your turns? This is a very useful video for your push hand practice by Master Byron. Please like it and share it with others. Note that other Tai Chi styles or other levels may have different interpretation of this same topic,…
Push Hands: How Exactly Does Relaxation Help In Tai Ji?
Your master may keep telling you to relax. However you may not comprehend it no matter how many times he may repeat. Hope this demo will help you to understand it. This is a very useful video for your push hand practice. Please like it and share it with others. Push Hands: How Exactly Does…
Push Hand Common Mistakes Leg Push & 3-point Lock Up
Push Hand Common Mistakes Leg Push & 3-point Lock Up Note that other Tai Chi styles or other levels may have different interpretation of this same topic, we hope people can appreciate this version. You may upload your own practice video to youtube and post on http://basks.com/forum for others to view and comment. Please like our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/BasksComIt…
Push Hands Alignment Uncontrollable Shaking
Tai Ji Push Hands Alignment Uncontrollable Shaking A student can not control his shaking while practicing Tai Chi push hands. We would like to share this video with you to let you know this is OK, even though it is pretty rare. Have you had this kind of situation? Let us know. There are tricks…