Category: 8 Section Brocade
8 Section Brocade Qigong
8 Section Brocade Qigong. Lead by master Larry Ping. 八段锦由八节组成 ,体势动作古朴高雅 ,故名。八段锦形成于12世纪,后在历代流传中形成许多练法和风格各具特色的流派。这种健身法既有肢体运动也有气息调理。是导引健身术的一种。八段锦与五禽戏、易筋经和太极拳一样,都是中国民间广为流传的健身方法。“八段锦”这个名字,一般认为有两层意思:一是表示这是一种集锦多种练习方法的功法;二是表示练习时动作连绵,像织锦一样。Translation of this name is difficult: 段 can be “section”, “piece”, “posture”, however the word 锦 has nothing to do with the qigong postures. Direct translation of 锦 can be brocade or tapestry. Many people translated 八段锦as “8 Section Brocade”, though this is not…