Category: event
Opening Ceremony of Chinese American Olympics 2013
Opening Ceremony of Chinese American Olympics 2013 This is a very short video of the Opening Ceremony of Chinese American Olympics of Northern California. Date: on August 10, 2013. Location: James Logan High School, 1800 H St., Union City ,CA 94587 This is the eleventh annual Chinese American Olympics of Northern California. This year’s games…
Lunch For Ke Yuan
Lunch For Ke Yuan Master Ke Yuan was changing job, thus we organized a farewell lunch. I reserved a private 10-seat room based on the 10 email replies. However 20 people showed up. All people attended are interested in Tai Chi, hopefully some people from this group may be Tai Chi legends in twenty years.…
Lantern Festival 2013
English Version: Lantern Festival 2013 Potluck (amount enough for your own). Place: Address, 10931 Maxine Ave. Cupertino, 95014 Time: Saturday Feb 23, 2013 6:00PM Silicon Valley Culture Association Chinese Version: 各位挚爱亲朋: 经历过2012年美国官府财政悬崖的惊吓,经历过2012年无情地水火风的侵扰,经历过2012年底玛 雅世界末日预言的洗礼,劫后余生的我等善男信女, 在新来的癸巳水蛇年之初亟需一个欢乐的盛会 给我们洗红尘,接顺风。为辞旧迎新,让否极泰来。 秉此,我们硅谷文化协会承袭二十年之传统,将在元宵节, 再次以灯谜,美食,音乐大会的形式 给大家提供一个放松,欢乐的场所,让大家在浓郁的笔尖上的书香文化,和舌尖上的饮食文化的熏陶中放松 身心,会一会暌违已久的老友同事,尝一尝垂涎已久的小吃美食,清一清压抑已久的歌喉音质,猜一猜尘封 已久的灯谜诗词。 本次有奖灯谜,美食暨音乐晚会将借“青青草中文学校幼儿园” (Address, 10931 Maxine Ave. Cupertino, 95014)一方 宝地举行。时间定为2013年2月23日星期六晚6:00PM。形式仍为每家各带自家足量饮食之potluck 方式。请各位先将宝贵时间预约。及早磨刀霍霍向猪羊,织网绵绵捞海鲜;探索出几道新菜以飨 众饕客。我们期待与大家届时团拜新年。 预祝大家 新年快乐,圆满如意! 熊曜庆 硅谷文化协会理事会