Tag: David

  • Push hands Taiji Workshop at the 2014 Chinese American Olympics of Northern California

    Push hands Taiji Workshop at the 2014 Chinese American Olympics of Northern California  August 9, 2014. This is the push hands workshop at the twelfth annual Chinese American Olympics of Northern California. 北加州華人體育. This opening of last year can be found here:http://youtu.be/0Lvlp-yorvk

  • Tai Chi Push Hands For Beginners, Part 8, Trunk is 50% Weight

    Tai Chi Push Hands For Beginners, Part 8, Trunk is 50% Weight

    Tai Chi Push Hands For Beginners, Part 8, Trunk is 50% Weight Tai Chi Push Hands For Beginners, part 8. In this video I will share with you my own practice tips for the beginners. In his book, Master Zhuanghong Wang discussed the body weight very often. So this time I am focusing on the…

  • How To Choose Ski Gear For Beginners

    How To Choose Ski Gear For Beginners How To Choose Ski Gear For Beginners. The goal of this video is to save your money or time on choosing your ski gear. For beginners, we don’t need complicated lecture on the ski equipment, it should only take a few minutes to get you going. The following…

  • New Year Reflections From Dr. Zhang

    Do you like the “tiger mom” parenting style? I hope my own experience with this is useful to you. Seeing my son going down an unconventional path these last few years, and realizing that there was little I could do now that he was 18, this is the first year I actually stopped feeling anxious…