New Year Reflections From Dr. Zhang

Do you like the “tiger mom” parenting style? I hope my own experience with this is useful to you. Seeing my son going down an unconventional path these last few years, and realizing that there was little I could do now that he was 18, this is the first year I actually stopped feeling anxious about the kids’ future. However this has not been easy for me and it has taken many years to understand, right up until the last few months. With regard to children’s education, I used to have a view similar to that of the “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.” (a book by Amy Chua), but now while I believe such a strategy works for many people, a different path can also work well & there is nothing to fear about it.

Please leave comments or suggestions so that we can have better communication. Since I am discussing a complicated topic in such a short video, miscommunication may happen, especially when there are significant cultural differences. It is not my intention is not to offend anyone. It is obviously easy to provide advice to someone else until one has to make the tough decision oneself. I have been checking different ladders to success, testing and shaking them or hoping to construct a unique one, but I did not believe it would work until I saw someone close to me climbing it step by step.

I would like to wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season and New Year, from Dr. Zhang

Holiday Greatings

PS: This video is my second holiday video. last year’s video is here:

Holiday Greatings